Over 20 years experience.
Providing quality "Paintless Dent Repair" to Cape Ann and surrounding communities.
Providing quality "Paintless Dent Repair" to Cape Ann and surrounding communities.
My name is Jay McBain. Born and raised in the north shore area of Massachusetts and I have had the privilege to call Cape Ann my home
for over the past 23 year.
I strive to provide a quality low impact
alternative to the options of either accepting and living with the damage to your car or using excessive repair methods to rectify them.
"Paintless Dent Repair" is a technique that was developed over 30 years ago. Through the modernizing of automobiles for added fuel economy by thinning the metal for weight savings and the improved quality of paints for added durability "PDR" has found it's niche'.
Paintless dent repair is a technique in which a trained technician re-sculpts the damaged metal back to shape. Effectively reversing the damage that has occurred. This process is typically done from the backside of the damage using specialized tools with usually little or no disassembly of your automobile. It is very low impact and most single repairs can be done in about an hour or less.
I've been working in this field for over 22 years. The first 13 of which were for one of the largest paintless dent repair companies in the United States from their branch office in Danvers off rte114. After reaching my max potential with them it was time to head out on my own. My goal was to make a name for myself as an independent provider and have been successfully doing so for the past 9 years.
Having been working in the industry along side insurance companies, body shops and other PDR competitors I feel I have a solid idea of what pricing is being presented for your options. It's my belief that with this knowledge I try to provide pricing that is sensible and fair to both myself and my clients. It is a talent that is unique but shouldn't break your bank.
I strive to provide a stress-free experience to both new and returning customers. I will thoroughly explain the repairability or non repairability of your damages, what to expect as an outcome and the expected pricing before ever placing a tool to your car. When we conclude our time together I want you to be confident that I have provided my best for you even in the case of a non repair.
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